Just Veggies

Spring to Summer Succession Planting

The transition of spring transitioning into summer is a terrific time to implement your plan for succession planting. This is the strategy of removing one plant or crop and replanting another plant or crop in that space. It’s typically something we think about for the fall crops, but spring into summer is just as good ...

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Shallots Versus Garlic

In the early spring of 2021 I planted a small row of shallots. The 2021 gardening year, particularly for growing anything in the allium family, was pretty much a bust for me. Whether it was the composition of my soil, the unusually wet weather or my lack of fertilizing (not unusual), I never did collect ...

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Plant Onions Early in the Springtime

Move over, peas: All sorts of onions are the new first crop I’m planting each spring. Old wives’ tales suggest peas should be planted on St. Patrick’s Day, but considering I’m not a huge fan of peas and the following facts I recently learned about onions, I’m definitely replacing green peas with green onions—and bulbing ...

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