Holiday Table Flower Arrangements
Views: 4014
For holiday table flower arrangements, I end up using whatever is in the yard. On our 70 degree Thanksgiving, I used these FREE FLOWERS. These things still look great in the garden or arrangements:
Crinum bulbispermum Jumbo
Those crazy gray octopus leaves are the best for spilling over the sides of flower arrangement containers and running down the table like little super slides!
Laurus nobilis
Great for making a base to fill with flowers. In Moore Farm, we have a huge, 8 tall, 300 long sheared bay hedge. Mui old fashioned!
Iris x hollandica (Dutch Iris)
Leaves like giant blue threads. You can’t beat the plain old rich blue for May flowers, nor Wedgewood White.
Platycladus Aura-nana
Old timers call this the cemetery plant. This lime green form is great in a container because its so drought tolerant.
Ilex cassine Tensaw
Not your typical holiday red. Tons of berry, a bit orange, so it’s distinct in cut flower arrangements.
Angelica pachycarpa
The only perennial Agelica in Zone 8. Summer dormant but now has 28 across, glossy leaves. Our sad substitution for gunnera! 6 foot tall, bug attracting flowers in May!
Needle Palm (Rhaphidophyllum histrix)
Glossy leaves can be split to make lots of elegant ribbons for flower arrangements.
Baccharis glomeruliflora
The girls are covered with fluffy white buttons now and the boy with eager yellow threads! Thanks Ethan Kauffman for this great addition to our garden. He says that since this hedge is sheared, flowers are bit later than normal.
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