Scaring Away Mosquitoes

Views: 4044

Last night was an absolutely perfect evening—warm, calm and no mosquitoes. But I’m afraid it wont be long until we’re plagued with the annual assault of blood sucking insects.

I love my time in the garden at either end of the day, and when our temperatures flirt with the century mark in July and August, morning and evenings are the only time to work in the garden. Staying inside to avoid mosquitoes just isn’t an option.

How to Prevent Bites

The best time to minimize or eliminate ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes is before they make an appearance. Empty water pooled up on tarps or in buckets or tubs in the garden. Clean pet bowls and bird baths regularly. When I had a metal trough for the horses, we added a few goldfish to the tank to eat the larvae. They were super hardy, and survived winters as long as we kept a tank heater in the water.

If the mosquitoes still arrive despite your efforts, dress in light colored clothes. Most mosquito species gravitate towards darker clothing. They also pick up on heat and movement kind of like the predator in the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. Creepy. So wear long sleeved shirts and pants when you can stand it in the summer heat.

For children, keep them as covered as possible. Drape mosquito netting over babies, and spring for netting for small children if youre concerned about them wearing repellent.

Chemical-Free Mosquito Repellents

The effectiveness of repellents is always a matter of contention, particularly since DEET, one of the most effective deterrents, can be so nasty. Many people are allergic to it, and the warning label is fairly hefty. If youre using a DEET product, spray it on your clothing as much as possible instead of your skin.

Other options include citrus, eucalyptus, and catnip. Actually, in a 2001 study from Iowa State University, it appears catnip is nearly as effective as DEET products without the negative effects. Even though catnip is typically milder, you need to test it in a small area before spraying it all over your arms or face.

Homemade Herbal Mosquito Spray

To make your own spray, blitz a couple of cups of fresh catnip leaves in a food processor and then add a couple of cups of boiling water. Allow it to steep until cool, then stray the liquid and pour it into a bottle. You can keep it in the refrigerator and spray it on as needed.

Citronella Candles and Torches

Since I love candles in the garden, I like to light the citronella candles and torches. (My husband thinks the torches are totally white trash, but I love them!) The citronella oil is derived from a tropical, perennial grass. Its been used for over fifty years to keep mosquitoes away, so even though its not one hundred percent effective, it does help.

Its not usually a good idea to put citronella oil directly on the skin (commercial repellents might have it in a diluted form) because of irritation, but burning it or keeping it prominent in the area helps keep skeeters at bay.

Mosquitoes are tough to deal with, particularly since there can be dire consequences with the prevalence of West Nile Virus, but arm yourself with whats available to enjoy your time in the garden.


Meet Amy Grisak

Amy is a freelance author and photographer in Great Falls, MT who specializes in gardening, foods, and sustainable agriculture. She provides information on every kind…

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