Egg Muffins: Recipe and Instructions

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End-of-harvest time often leaves me with a little bit of everything — fall greens, onion tops, counter-ripened tomatoes, the last of the bell peppers, even some summer squash.

Egg muffins are a great way to use the “odds and ends” veggies hanging around the kitchen. Stored properly in the freezer and they will last for 3 months. I love quick meals like this for a warm breakfast or a protein-packed snack on a cold day.

Family Time

This is a great recipe for cooks of all skill levels. Feel free to shake up the “remote learning” routine and get beginner-cooks on board. Mini muffin tins can make it especially fun for young kids. 

If you choose to use mini muffin tins, look to the mini-muffin modifications in [[double brackets]] throughout the recipe.

On Mincing, Chopping, and Sauteing

If you make regular-size muffins with chopped veggies, you’ll saute them before adding them to the muffin tins. If you mix them together, cook harder vegetables first, like bell peppers and broccoli pieces or onion, then add softer veggies like summer squash. Saute mushroom pieces last so they soak up all the flavors; do not saute tomato pieces or green onions. If you use spinach or other greens on their own, be sure to squeeze them dry.

If you are making mini muffins, you won’t saute the veggies, you’ll just cut them into very, very small pieces. This is called “mincing.” You can do this by hand or in a food processor. If you use a food processor, be sure to pulse it in short bursts so you don’t accidentally puree the veggies. Purees can work, but they change the liquid ratios in the egg mixture so you would need to adjust the recipe. If I overshoot, I typically save the accidental puree for something else and just mince another veggie.

Egg Muffins

Ingredients Needed: 

8 large eggs
¼ cup whole or evaporated milk 
8 oz shredded cheese (cheddar, pepper jack, Colby jack, etc.)
2 cups vegetables, chopped small [[or minced]](bell peppers, broccoli, onions, summer squash, spinach, mushrooms, green onions, tomatoes, etc.)
Vegetable oil (for sauteing the veggies)
⅔ cup cooked meat, finely diced (about ⅛” cubes) (ham, chicken, bacon bits, sausage, etc.)
Garlic powder, salt, and black pepper (a large pinch of each)
Red pepper flakes (optional)
Shortening, butter, or other cooking fat (for greasing the pan)


Preheat oven to 350*F. Put the oven rack in the middle position.

Grease a 12-cavity regular-sized muffin tin [[OR a few mini-muffin pans. How many cavities you will need will vary, but I plan on 36 mini-muffins for this recipe]]. Don’t use cupcake liners, just grease the pan directly with butter, shortening, or other cooking fat that is solid at room temperature.

If you are using regular-size muffin tins, saute the veggies as follows. [[If you are making mini muffins, skip to step 2.]]

  1. In a medium saute pan, heat the vegetable oil over medium-high heat. Add the vegetables in batches, sauteing until al dente. Cool to room temperature.
  2. [[Mini muffin makers: mince vegetables by hand or in a food processor.]]
  3. Crack eggs one at a time into a small bowl, checking for quality, then add each to a large mixing bowl. When all eggs are cracked and in the bowl, stir them up with a fork until they are a uniform color, then add the milk, spices, and salt. Mix again until uniform in color and texture. 
  4. Put your mix-ins — veggies, cheese, meats — in the bottom of the muffin tins until they are no more than ⅓ of the way full.
  5. Pour eggs carefully into prepared muffin tins until the cavities are about ⅔ full. Mix gently with a toothpick, if you want. TIP: wipe off the areas around the cavities before baking. Unless you like scrubbing burned egg off of pans. I don’t, but you do you.
  6. Bake at 350*F for about 30 minutes for regular size muffins [[10-12 minutes for minis]]. The eggs should be set, with no liquid. 
  7. Pop the eggs out of the tins and let cool to room temperature. Freeze in a single layer for up to 3 months [[2 months for minis]]. To reheat, pop frozen egg muffins in the microwave until warm (about 45 – 75 seconds for large, 20 – 30 seconds for mini muffins).

Meet Sabina Säfsten

Sabina brings her love of garden-to-table cooking wherever she goes. She has cooked in restaurants, bakeshops, ice cream parlors, and catering kitchens, from prep cook…

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