Hot Trends in Container Gardening
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Hot Trends in Container Gardening
A little late to the party, but on task with the gardening season here in the midwestern United States, these are three of the SO hot trends in container gardening for 2024. The unifying theme this year is ecologically sound gardening and I’ve come up with what seem to be the top three trends that pop up on the lists of experts, industry leaders and influencers. Here they are!
#1 Pollinator Containers
Pollinator gardening in general focuses on plantings that attract and support pollinators. A winning pollinator container garden will boast an assortment of flowers and flowering plants that bloom throughout the growing season, ideally at different times to create options for our little flying friends. Try to include water sources nearby, like a shallow dish filled with small stones or pretty glass beads, to provide the hydration for pollinators.
Humming birds, bees, and butterflies are essential to increase produce production. Even if you are limited on space, you can help. Choose a container that will accommodate a variety of flowering plants whose flowers blooms from spring to fall. Place the container in full sun, where nearly all flowers thrive. Some of my favourite plants to attract pollinators are: Alyssum, bee balm, borage, calendula, coneflowers, foxglove, hyssop, lobelia, marigolds, milkweed, , nasturtiums, sedums, sunflowers, yarrow, and zinnia. This honey-scented alyssum, Summer Romance’ from Renee’s Gardens is a lovely seed collection in soft colours with a delicious scent.
#2 Edimentals
What’s an edimental? Edimentals are hot trends in container gardening: plants that are both ornamental and edible. It’s a lovely way to grow your own food. It can be easy and gorgeous when you grow them in containers. For years, I’ve been a fan of sneaking veggies like kale, red cabbage and colourful peppers into pots of otherwise decorative plants. The trend has really taken off. It includes anything from veggies to herbs and fruit.
They can be annuals, perennials, shrubs or trees. Edimentals are not only beautiful additions to your garden but also offer tasty and often highly sustenance. Some unique options to consider are: Swiss Chard: Great lines in any planter and easy to grow, harvest and eat. Varieties to choose are “Bright Lights” and “Purple Moon”.
Other fun selections are not limited to Tiny Tomatoes like Poncho Mi Tomato from Bonnie Plants, gorgeous Meyer Lemon Bushes from, Buena Mulata Hot Peppers in stunning bright purple from Get creative and add some yummy to your container gardens.
#3 Water-Wise Containers
Last but not least of the hot trends in container gardening are containers that consider water use. Water-wise gardening is sort of a buzz word these days and describes the practice of using drought-tolerant and native plants as both attractive and functional specimens. The idea is to consider these plants for their ecological contributions before their looks in an effort to create balance and harmony in your garden. These plants can contribute more than just their looks; they create balance in your garden. Some other elements of water-wise gardening are utilising mulch to conserve water, using free water (such as rain barrels), plan before you plant (i.e. make good plant choices like moss rose, echinacea, and aloe) and deliver water right to the roots by using soaker hoses (like this highly-rated one from H20 Works) or root cones/ watering globes.
Meet Elizabeth Morse
I specialize in creating productive gardens for my clients (garden consults), showing them how to use fresh foods (private chef & cooking classes) and enjoying…