Try These Cat-Friendly Containers

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Plants are a necessity in my life and balancing kitties with cat-friendly containers has been a challenge. I have cats. Three to be exact. I love my furry friends, but I’m also a gardener.  When the “girls” began arriving, I had no idea that most of the plants I had posed health threats to them. Someone mentioned the danger of lilies and I began to research a bit. For a time, I removed almost all my potted plants indoors as I learned which ones I could add safely. I thought others might find this information helpful, so here goes: feline-friendly plants!


So, MOST ferns can be used in cat-friendly containers. I love the solid, antler-like appearance and dark green colour of Staghorn Ferns. Boston Ferns, Blue Stars and Rabbits Foot Ferns (with their seemingly fuzzy rhizomes that spill over the pot’s edge) are also show-stoppers. Be aware that not every fern is ok for your felines so check if you aren’t sure. It should also be noted that ferns are great indoors because they like muted sun.


There are a dizzying array of orchids with over 25,000 orchid species and more than 100,000 globally. The good news is that these beauties are largely ok for cats.  In fact, my youngest cat, a kitten named Anastasia delights in batting the pretty flowers and watching them bounce around while she nibbles. Not ideal for my orchids, but not harmful to the baby cat and orchids have proven more resilient than I thought. I’ll take it. Orchids are my favourite cat-friendly containers. Below is a list of winning choices if you are looking to add Orchids to your home. These are kitty friendly choices that use little soil (if you have cats that dig, this is a plus!) and don’t need watering too often.


Calathea Rattlesnake has a striking, modern structure. The underneath side of the leaves are a deep purple colour, while the tops boast a bright green backdrop with dark green “thumb prints” over a ruffled shape. The plant is really lovely, with a tidy almost-funnel shaped habit. Another great attribute is that is like being watered only weekly. A low maintenance selection for your next cat-friendly container.

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I specialize in creating productive gardens for my clients (garden consults), showing them how to use fresh foods (private chef & cooking classes) and enjoying…

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