Summer Annuals: Let’s Not
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I dated a guy in college who would just break up laughing every time I’d say, “Let’s not do that.”
He was from Boston or some place people are more direct. I took the picture above and thought, I probably said “Let’s not” to every plant in the pic! But it’s so beautiful! I’m so glad there were people around me who said “Yes! Let’s!” Look at all the cool summer annuals.
Petasites japonicus Nishiki-buki? I said, No, it melts in mid-summer. It does. Compared with the drama it creates all summer in Seattle gardens, this is a loser. But look at the pic today. Drama for only a month is definitely a Let’s! (Thanks to Hayes Jackson for a few root cuttings!)
Salvia Jenks Farmer? I said, This is a summer annual from Linda Askey. Let’s not put my name on it!
Since we could never get a valid name from Linda and since it had to get into the trade or get lost, it got my name. What a plant! Killer April flowers. I take cuttings each summer, rooted in a pot by the spigot. Let’s never forget to do that.
What’s the Work
Today we are going to plant summer annuals. This is much later than usual due to the soils still low temperature.
Ive also been putting in seeds of tropical vines, cucumbers, beans and my favorite, the giant pink Jack Bean.
Dead head pansies and water them to get a few more weeks of color.
Summer Annuals Looking Good
Rosa Blushing Knockout
Amsonia hubrectii Bluestar is praised for autumn color. Now its topped with true blue flowers.
Dianthus Heart Attack Great burgundy-black flowers
Salvia lyrata Purple Knockout A great little weed to go with the Blushining Knockout!
Iris japonica Nadia Pastel markings on a white flower, great leaves all year