5 Ways To Prevent Houseplant Bug Infestations

Views: 376

Summer is bug season, but the truth is that bugs can show up indoors at any time of the year. As your houseplant collection grows, so do the chances of plant pests. An occasional gnat or mealy bug is treatable, but an invasion can destroy your collection and your enthusiasm. Not to worry! Here are five ways to prevent houseplant bug infestations.

  1. Keep Your Houseplants Clean

    Bugs love a dirty plant. Teeny bugs like thrips and spider mites hide in dirt-filled plant crevices and disappear into the camouflage of a dust layer. Make sure to take a close look at your plants and clean them regularly. You don’t need any special tools for this; just glide a damp paper towel or soft dust cloth over the leaves each week, and check both the top and underside of each leaf.  

  2. Drain Saucers

    Saucers protect your surface areas, but if they’re full of stagnant water they can draw moisture-loving houseplant pests like gnats. If your plant is sitting in a tray of stagnant water, it’s vulnerable to both root rot and bugs. You can avoid this by emptying drainage trays immediately after watering. This will also reduce the chances of mold or mildew growing around your plant. 

  3. Provide Correct Lighting

    Lighting is key for healthy houseplants, and healthy houseplants tend to ward off bugs. Plants have natural immune defenses to detect and resist invaders. When your plant gets correct lighting, these defenses function optimally. Lighting also drives photosynthesis, and the faster the rate of photosynthesis, the faster the soil dries out. Dry soil is unappealing to moisture-loving bugs. Make sure your plant has enough light so it can ward off bugs and regulate moisture levels.

  4. Give Your Plants Breathing Room

    Pests spread like wildfire through a crowded plant collection. Wingless bugs jump from plant to plant, spider mites love to spread, and gnats fly to neighboring plants on the same watering schedule. Make sure to space out your plants. This way you can isolate an infected plant and stop a widespread infestation. It also provides your plants with proper air circulation.  

  5. Keep Indoor Plants Inside

    During the summer months it’s tempting to put your plants outside, however it’s easier for bugs to find them. When you move your plants back inside, you are likely to bring bugs with them. Keep your plants outside for the whole season instead of moving them in and out sporadically. Then give them a thorough check before you bring them back inside for fall. 

Don’t get discouraged if you see a bug on your plant. With a little extra attention, you can eliminate plant pests and bolster your plants against future attacks. Follow these preventative measures and you’ll catch bugs before they overwhelm you and your plants.

Meet Paula Palma

Paula has a teaching background in pilates, yoga, and meditation. She is currently studying biology as a prerequisite for further education. One of her favorite…

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