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Blame it all on my roots...
by Brittany Stanton
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Blame it all on my roots...

Brittany Stanton

I've been gardening a very long time, I guess you could say it runs in my blood. My mother is a gardener as well just like her mother before her. Speaking of her mother, I was extremely close to my grandmother growing up. She lived out in the country and was one of those little old ladies with long gray hair, funky windchimes hanging from her porch along with hummingbird feeders, free range chickens, many beautiful species of flowers and plants surrounding her home, a ton of great stories she could tell from her life adventures, but I will never forget the large wonderful garden in the back of her house year after year. I remember her sunflowers with their large yellow heads that looked up towards the sun and I remember this one time when I was really little how I snuck into her garden and filled my belly up eating raw string beans. They were delicious, but not so pleasant later on that day when my mother took me into Kroger's to buy a few groceries and I puked them out all over the floor! Good memories for the most part though! Today I garden like the great women before me, I hope that the chlorophyll that runs in our blood (lol) will be passed onto my children as well. It's something so meditative about playing in the dirt and giving life to something is so satisfying, just watching what you planted grow and take off. I think more people should take up gardening and we can all help our world be a little more beautiful.
I've been gardening a very long time, I guess you could say it runs in my blood. My mother is a gardener as well just like her mother before her. Speaking of her mother, I was extremely close to my grandmother growing up. She lived out in the country and was one of those little old ladies with long gray hair, funky windchimes hanging from her porch along with hummingbird feeders, free range chickens, many beautiful species of flowers and plants surrounding her home, a ton of great stories she could tell from her life adventures, but I will never forget the large wonderful garden in the back of her house year after year. I remember her sunflowers with their large yellow heads that looked up towards the sun and I remember this one time when I was really little how I snuck into her garden and filled my belly up eating raw string beans. They were delicious, but not so pleasant later on that day when my mother took me into Kroger's to buy a few groceries and I puked them out all over the floor! Good memories for the most part though! Today I garden like the great women before me, I hope that the chlorophyll that runs in our blood (lol) will be passed onto my children as well. It's something so meditative about playing in the dirt and giving life to something is so satisfying, just watching what you planted grow and take off. I think more people should take up gardening and we can all help our world be a little more beautiful.