Pest Patrol

How to Know the Allelopathic Plants in Your Garden

When I was twelve years old, I situated my first garden near a black walnut tree (Juglans nigra) in the corner of our backyard, not realizing the tree produced chemicals that inhibited the growth of other plants, especially tomatoes, thwarting my efforts for a bountiful harvest. There are certain flowers and other plants that have ...

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You Should Grow Broccoli

Broccoli is the best and tastiest vegetable you likely aren’t eating enough of. And if you are eating it, you’re not eating the best part—the stems! These are bold statements for me to make and mostly subjective, but chances are I am at least 90% correct when it comes to your eating habits. According to ...

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How to Grow Broccoli

Last time out I mentioned that the National Garden Bureau has declared 2023 the Year of the Broccoli for the gardening organization’s edible category. While that post was about types and one very tasty preparation for it (in fact, I made it last night), this post focuses on how to grow broccoli. And, well, maybe ...

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Year of the Broccoli

National Garden Bureau has declared 2023 the Year of the Broccoli for the gardening organization’s edible category. Cheers to that! While some people famously do not like broccoli, I for one say, “all the more for those who do.” Perhaps broccoli haters just have not had it prepared in a way that brings out its ...

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Handling Diseases and Pest Pressure on Brassicas

Is it worth growing a particular vegetable when you’re constantly battling pests? I’m huge fan of brassicas such cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower, but they can have pest issues. But there are ways to get around them. Here are a few tips on handling diseases and pest pressure on brassicas.  Pest pressure on brassicas Cabbage worms ...

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New gardeners should look for these common pests

We go to the garden when life becomes uncertain. There are a lot more people planting gardens with the onset of the Covid-19 virus this year even if they’ve never gardened before. For new gardeners, here are a few pests to watch for this season.  Slugs strike at night Slugs - From early in the ...

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