Pest Patrol

Gain a Jump on Grasshoppers with Nosema locustae

Last year we had grasshoppers and biblical proportions. They decimated crops in the home garden as well as the fields. With a mild winter, I need to be proactive to gain a jump on the grasshoppers before they arrive. It's Not All Grasshoppers and Plague Naturally gain a jump on grasshoppers When you see grasshoppers ...

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Positive Notes: It’s not all grasshoppers and plague

It hasn’t been all grasshoppers and plague this year. While I didn’t originally intend to plant as much as I did, but the Covid-19 situation kept me home so the garden turned out better than expected. And even though grasshoppers were thick, there were fewer pest problems with some species.  Passion for purple My pet ...

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The Plague of Grasshoppers and Blister Beetles

I know it’s cliche at this point, but it’s been an interesting year. As if a pandemic wasn’t enough, the plague of insects is upon us. Grasshoppers are you eating pretty much everything, and now blister beetles are showing up on my spinach varieties. There is never a dull moment. Plague of grasshoppers A plague ...

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