Everything Roses

The Rosarian’s January

The holidays have passed again, although we still have all our decorations up! I have been waiting for the batteries in the garlands to finish up and then we’ll be putting everything away. I love it when Bob builds a fire in the wood stove each evening with the tree twinkling and the candles on ...

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What To Do When You Inherit A Houseplant

I just inherited eighteen houseplants. What an honor, but also a bittersweet project. My mother-in-law recently passed away and I have adopted her plant collection. Towards the end of her life, my mother-in-law wasn’t able to care for them the way she would have wanted to. Her plants went weeks without water or proper care. ...

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Make Your Own Rustic Pot

My city neighborhood looks beautiful right now. Weathered pottery with flowers and lush greens sit on almost every stairway or balcony.  A whole season of summer created the perfect mossy and chalky coating on planters. Usually the best looking rustic pots develop from several seasons of neglect. An owner will often store them outside and ...

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Prevent Fungus Gnats – Three Easy Methods

September is a little tough on my plants. The seasonal transition means houseplants with prime locations get pushed aside to make room for plants that need to come back inside. Suddenly each plant has to compete for space and light. I also tend to over water my plants this time of year. It’s easy to ...

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How To Cultivate A Beautiful Monstera Deliciosa

The monstera deliciosa is still one of the most popular houseplants. The big tropical leaf look reemerged from the 70s causing a plant craze on social media and in the home decor scene. Monstera leaves decorate tote bags, wallpaper, and even jewelry. Once a hard to find plant, now you can pick up a monstera ...

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New Ways To Hear Secret Plant Sounds

My plants tug at me when they need attention. I joke that I can hear them screaming when they are thirsty, but now I think it might be true. Like elephants that make sounds humans below the range of human hearing, plants have a vibrational language of their own. Sound artists have blended science and ...

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