Everything Roses

Winter Anticipation Of Spring In The Rose Garden

This rose gardener from North-Central Connecticut is waking up from her winter slumber!  This winter, I have read lots of books, enjoyed many warm fires in the stove with my husband and family, cooked up hearty winter meals, and slept soundly till the morning sun’s arrival.  All of a sudden, in the last couple of ...

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“March”ing Into Mud Season

Ah, March…the third month of the year…how she teases us with the promise of Spring!!  However, here in north-central Connecticut, March is a fickle trickster.  We have seen our hugest snowstorms during this month.  I remember a gigantic blizzard back in 1978 when my kids were little.  Their bus didn’t arrive until 5:00 in the ...

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Rosebuds and Yellow Jackets in the Garden

All of a sudden, summer is finished. We always take our vacation in September which stretches out the summer season for us. I have always stopped spraying and deadheading my roses on September 1st, but last year while we were away, my roses were attacked by tobacco bud worms and my whole fall bloom was ...

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Watering the Garden and Hydrating Properly

The Vital Importance of Water  Extreme Heat:  Mid-summer has arrived with weeks of excessive heat. Last weekend put us at 100 degrees and over, with excessive humidity. This heat and humidity puts poor gardeners like us at risk of heat stroke because our perspiration forms, soaks our clothes, and just drips off of us! The ...

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Beginning Blooms in the Rose Garden

A Fungus Among Us… We have had an extreme shortage of sunny days this spring. With just days until summer arrives, nothing seems to have changed too much. Our roses have been growing, reaching for the cloud-hiding sun, and the stems are a little stretched. It has been cooler than normal, as well, and lots ...

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Rosebuds Arrive: How to Shape Future Blooms

We have come through another non-spring this year and the rosebuds are finally coming out. The days of gentle warming in March, a mixture of showers and sun in April, and blue skies, a few puffy clouds, and temps in the mid-70’s in May seem to have passed us by again. Our spring was cold ...

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