Everything Roses

Opening Up the Rose Garden

March Lamb here - for now By mid-April, our March Lamb seemed to have successfully defeated the March Lion here in Southern New England. The day I finished my last blog (March 31st), I figured I had about a week/week and a half before the forsythia started blooming in my yard. My assessment came true. ...

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March out like a Lamb

High Winds from our March Lamb It is mid-March a few days after the vernal equinox. The winds were howling again. Really‽ The March Lion is back putting forth another night of low temperatures and freezing wind chills‽ But, no, not tonight. Tonight is different. Tonight the temperatures are in the low 60s. The March ...

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March in like a Lion

A dark house and a haunting whistling wind It’s early March. It’s completely dark in the Vanable household. The wind is whistling a haunting tone through the cracks by the window - a tone usually reserved for hurricanes and blizzards, but it makes its appearance loud and clear in the early morning hours today. Tension ...

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February Remembrances and a Time for New Roses

Remembering Frederic & Helen The name on the writing implement for today’s blog is “Helen Towle.” It is foil-stamped using Frederic Goudy’s Copperplate Gothic typeface. At one time the pen was a small personalized work of art that Helen used. Now, the gold foil is much faded. The pen has many scratches and the gold ...

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January Garden Reflections and Planting Rose Seeds

January - a time for garden reflection and planting rose seeds January is often a time to reflect on one's garden and prepare for the next growing season. It's also the time when many hybridizers plant their seeds and germinations begin. Earlier this month (January 9th) was the day that I planted my rose seeds ...

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