Recipe: Nan’s Old Fashion Cream Pie

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I enjoy cooking, but baking is another story. I recently attempted to bake an apple pie, but ended up with more of what looked like a cobbler. However, this won’t stop me from attempting to bake the proverbial holiday cream pie.

The thing about holidays is that it isn’t just about the grand meal you prepare. There always has to be a dessert. For some guests the meal is only a vehicle that leads them to that dessert. While the meal is a serious affair for some, dessert can be even more personal for others.

Looking back at the holidays we spent at my grandparent’s home I’m reminded of the pies, sweat breads, and cream puffs that were enjoyed after every holiday meal. These were recipes my grandmother Emily, and great aunt Mae, took special care to prepare. The smell of pumpkin, powdered sugar and freshly baked date and nut breads filled the house.

Pie Extravaganza

When I joined my extended family I was introduced to many new recipes and of course there were more pie recipes. Cream pie was passed down by my in-laws and enjoyed for many years. It’s a pie that when talked about, conjures up warm and fuzzy feelings for those who look forward to its next appearance. Of course when I became a member of this family I realized I would have to make it my mission to prepare it for them. So, with a bit of trepidation, I prepared my first cream pie. My first attempt was successful. However, I haven’t made it since. I believe one should end some things while one is still ahead.

For people reared on farms, recipes consist of ingredients that are readily available to them. If they don’t grow it, raise it or barter for it, chances are the ingredient isn’t in the recipe. This version of cream pie, and there are many, was hatched in the heart of Indiana with that same farm spirit in mind. It’s a recipe with basic ingredients like sugar, flower, salt, vanilla and cream. Cream pie is such a family favorite that if my mother-in-law attempts to make a healthier version of it, the “villagers” brandish their pitch forks.

Recipe: Nan’s Ol’ Fashion Cream Pie

Nan’s Ol’ Fashion Cream Pie, as it is affectionately know by family members, is a sugar lover’s dream. I’m confident it will satisfy your holiday sweet tooth. So, dust off those old recipe cards stashed away in your cook book and try your hand at one of the recipes you fondly remember from your childhood.


3/4 cup Sugar
5 Tablespoons of flour
Pinch of Salt
Dissolve + mix together
2 Teaspoons of vanilla
1 Cup cream

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Pour into unbaked pie crust. Dot the top with butter. Bake 45 minutes or until pie appears solid in the center. Enjoy!

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