Preparing Your Wildlife Garden for Winter
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Well, I’m happy to leave the heat behind, but I’m not so happy about cold weather when it makes my old joints hurt. But, for better or worse, winter is around the corner, so my spouse and I are busily preparing our yard for what may come. In addition to putting away the Thanksgiving decorations and putting out the ones for Christmas, here are five things you can do to prepare your gardens for winter.
1. Leave the Leaves
Leaving leaves in place can be a game-changer for wildlife. Leaf piles provide excellent cover for insects, amphibians, and small mammals, offering shelter from the cold. Many insects, such as ladybugs, moths, and beetles, use leaves as hiding spots to overwinter. If you have a compost pile, consider adding the leaves to it — they’ll break down over the winter and enrich your soil come spring. You can also pile leaves in a corner of your yard to create a natural refuge.
2. Provide Winter Food and Water Sources
In late fall, wildlife begins to prepare for the cold months ahead. Part of this preparation is finding sufficient food. We’ve all seen squirrels stashing away nuts; it’s the same for all animals. Birds and mammals start storing fat. You can help by setting up bird feeders and filling them with seeds, suet, or nuts. We always leave black oil sunflower seeds on the ground to help not only birds, but rodents, mammals, and any seed feeders. Native plants such as coneflowers, sunflowers, and black-eyed Susans often have seeds that will attract birds and small mammals. Resist the urge to tidy up those dead flower stalks. Similarly, leave berries, fruit, and nuts.
Keep your birdbaths filled with fresh water too, even in freezing temperatures. A heated birdbath can ensure that birds have access to water all winter long. Providing access to water during freezing temperatures, especially if there isn’t snow on the ground, can be a critical provision for many animals.
3. Create Shelter for Overwintering Wildlife
Late fall is a great time to create wildlife shelters to offer creatures a safe space for hibernation. Birdhouses, bat boxes, and insect hotels can provide essential winter refuge. Consider placing these shelters in quiet, sheltered areas away from harsh winds or the bustle of human activity. A simple brush pile — made from branches, twigs, and leaves — can also serve as a cozy home for hedgehogs, rabbits, and other small mammals. Piles of logs or rocks can also provide excellent shelters for creatures that prefer a cool, dark place to sleep through the winter.
I put up a new birdhouse this fall. It will provide shelter for birds this winter. If you know you want more birdhouses for spring, don’t wait!
4. Prune and Protect Plants
While it’s a good idea to leave many plants standing to provide shelter and food for wildlife, late fall is also the time to care for the plants that will survive the winter. Prune any dead or damaged branches from trees and shrubs to prevent them from breaking under heavy snow or ice. If you have delicate plants that need extra protection, add a layer of mulch around the roots to help insulate them from freezing temperatures. You can also use burlap or plant covers to shield particularly sensitive plants.
5. Sustain the Ecosystem with Native Plants
As long as the ground isn’t frozen, late fall is the ideal time to plant native trees, shrubs, and perennials. Species like asters, goldenrod, and winterberry are great choices for late-season wildlife support. I’ve been transplanting things all over the yard since the ground is still moist from recent rains.
This time of year is about more than just putting the garden to bed — it’s about making your outdoor space a place where life continues to thrive, even as the weather turns colder.
Meet Leslie Miller
Leslie Ann Miller shares 3.5 acres in rural Oklahoma with birds, butterflies and wide variety of animals. She is currently transforming her yard with plantings…