Keep Roses Healthy and Beautiful

Views: 538

I’m Marci Martin, rosarian and the Everything Roses blogger. This week’s post tells you how to keep roses healthy and beautiful. June has been a whirlwind, as it is every year!  Thousands of beautiful roses have bloomed in my gardens and I have had the pleasure of groups of people large and small to share their beauty with.

Spreading Joy

I like to call myself a ‘semi-retired rose farmer.’  I enjoy sharing my experiences with others, so if anyone calls and asks me to speak to their group, I am always happy to oblige.  Over the years, I have spoken to a myriad of garden clubs, historical groups, libraries, social clubs, master gardener groups, and schools.  At the end of my program, I offer a day or evening in June, their choice, to visit my house and gardens.  They bring something for lunch or a light supper, and this year I’ve had more evening groups than ever.  My roses bring me so much happiness that I can’t stand not sharing them with others, and all my visitors have warmed my heart.

A Teaching Experience: Keep Roses Healthy and Beautiful

Of course, all these folks come loaded with questions and I do my best to answer them honestly.  People usually remark on the health of my foliage and blooms and ask me if I spray my roses.  Spraying is a deeply personal decision. Lots of folks don’t want to use chemicals in the garden but the fact is that everyone loves roses … including insects, fungi, deer, and rabbits. Not to mention the occasional woodchuck! I spray my gardens for the same reason I got my kids inoculated when they were little:  to prevent sickness. Some people can live with the disease on their rose foliage and insect chews on their petals, but I prefer to be proactive with keeping my roses healthy.

Most of today’s fungicides and insecticides work on more than one level. They act as a coating on the outsides of the leaves as well as being absorbed by the foliage. This makes a barrier to spores entering the leaves and also protects from within. If you decide to spray your roses, always read all the labels at the garden center to see what you are comfortable using. Read the label every time you use the product and follow the instructions to the letter. Wear protective gear for your eyes and skin and if a breeze comes up, pause for a bit or keep the wind behind you. Make sure your plants are hydrated well before you spray, too. This keeps the foliage from absorbing too much product which could burn the edges of the leaves. And lastly, keep kids and pets out of the gardens until the products have dried.

What to Do If Fungi and Insects Are Already in Your Rose Garden

This website,, has lots of rose information. The link below is a response from Marianne Binetti, a Master Gardener, to a reader’s question about dealing with yellowing leaves and black spots. The second takes you to a video that deals with rust on roses. Good luck!

Black Spot Disease

How to Treat Rust on Rose Leaves

Time to Smell the Roses

I am in my gardens every day.  I love sharing with groups and my neighbors who stop by, amazed by the colors and the many fragrances the roses release to the air!  My personal favorite rose fragrance is the old-fashioned rich damask scent which always makes me swoony!  But, roses can also have a fruity fragrance, spicy, or anisette.  Light or heavy, I love them all.  Enjoy your rose garden today.  There is always so much to enjoy in this first-flush extravaganza!

Meet Marci Martin

Marci Martin has loved roses for as long as she can remember. From the time she was a little girl, she was fascinated with how…

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