Romantic Roses

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In honor of the year’s most romantic day, today I thought we could explore the message and the magic of roses…

A friend shared a very old poem with me a while back, and I’d like to share it with all of you. There is no title.

The red rose whispers of passion, and the white rose breathes of Love.

O, the red rose is a falcon, and the white rose is a dove.

But, I give you this cream white rose bud with a blush on its petal tips,

For, the love that is pure and sweetest has a kiss of desire on its lips. anonymous

Romantic Roses

I think that there is nothing more lovely and romantic than roses, and this poem got me thinking. The words in this poem are so true! At least from where I sit. It is possible to have a love affair with one’s roses. I fall in love with the blossoms in my gardens all over again every spring. I anxiously await every bloom. From the new rose I may have planted early on in the season to my old stand-bys that have shaken off their winter dreams to grace my garden for another year. I defend my ladies as fiercely as a knight in shining white armor when the enemies of their health and well-being arrive; I am determined to champion each one if challenged.

And, just as that first bloom is so important, the last one of the season is just as gratefully welcomed and appreciated. All this rose championship is exhausting for all of us by the end of the season, and so when late November rolls around and the frigid air arrives, my beauties will be ready and deserving of their winter’s hibernation, and so shall I!

Rose Delights

The above romantic poem makes me smile every time I read it. It makes a white rose with a blush at the petals’ tips a wonderfully desirable rose and brings many blossoms to mind…’Moonstone,’ ‘Gemini,’ ‘Princesse de Monaco,’ ‘Pop Warner,’…the list goes on and on. One more comes to mind, though, and for the moment I shall choose her as my favorite. ‘Secret’ wins my vote in this competition, for now. She is pure and sweet, and has the most lovely fragrance to transport one to a heavenly place.

If you got a big blizzard yesterday, as we did in Connecticut, once the driveway is done and the pathways are cleared, enjoy your Winter break! Don’t worry about your beauties, as they are slumbering under a wonderful, insulating and protective blanket. They appreciate this winter slumber, the same as we do. Sleep till you are full, enjoy a good gardening book (Like Ken Druse’s ‘Natural Companions,’ beautifully illustrated by Ellen Hoverkamp), and study those rose catalogs that came in the mail. Spring will be here before you know it, and those pristine buds will swell again!

Happy Valentine’s Day with love from your rosarian!

Meet Marci Martin

Marci Martin has loved roses for as long as she can remember. From the time she was a little girl, she was fascinated with how…

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