September Roses
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Now that we are into the season of Autumn, our duties in the rose garden ease up a little. My roses always grow huge this time of year! They are reaching for the sun. Fall is also when I cut some roses for the house. During the spring and summer, I prefer to enjoy them in the garden where the beds are pristine all season long. So, what are our autumnal rose duties?
Stop Deadheading!
In my garden, I stop deadheading in the beginning of September. Earth has shifted on her axis and the days have gotten much shorter. I deadhead all summer long to let the roses know that I want more bloom. This time of year, I want them to know that they can begin to relax. If they can form hips full of seeds, then they will get the idea that winter is coming and will begin their long slide into dormancy.
Watch the Rain Gauge!
If you want those gorgeous fall blooms, you need to be sure that your roses are getting enough water. It’s okay to cut back on water a little, but for them to go into the winter hale and hearty, they will benefit from an inch of rain or so per week. The weather can be a little fickle this time of year and summer temperatures can linger long in September and October. Your roses will benefit from the cooling water that you provide. Throughout the summer this year we had adequate rainfall and I adjusted my watering schedule by checking the rain gauges every time it rained. The last time we had a good rainfall was three weeks ago, so I made sure I watered everything this week. With the hot temperatures this September, I know they really appreciated it.
Tour Your Gardens Every Day!
Roses love attention and I love giving it to them! There is a lot to be seen in the rose garden now and watching those buds grow to record size is a joy. It takes longer for roses to mature in the Fall with the sun lower in the sky and the shortening days, but it is worth the wait. Fall roses have deeper color, larger size, and heavier fragrance. They are loaded with sugar and so last up to two weeks in the vase.
Take Time to Smell the Roses!
Cut some blooms for your house. Bring some to a friend. Coming up in the next few weeks are the brilliant days of October to act as backdrops for our lovely roses. Grab your camera and take some pictures of all the beautiful colors of the roses and the changing foliage on the trees. This is the Autumnal Respite. Soon it will be time to put our gardens to bed. Till then, breathe deep and drink in the aroma of the blooms.
Meet Marci Martin

Marci Martin has loved roses for as long as she can remember. From the time she was a little girl, she was fascinated with how…
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