Flower Gardening

Annuals That Can Take Hot Weather

By Jean Starr

Looking for annuals that can take hot weather? Isn’t that why you plant annuals — because they typically bloom all summer?

This is the time of year when I choose from the dozens of annuals and tropical plants in my garden that stood out as the ‘stars’ of the sweltering summer. You won’t find these frontrunners available now, but if you bookmark this article you can to refer to the list when the plant catalogs start arriving right after Christmas. Of course, you can also wait until next spring to seek out some of these beauties, but they may be in limited supply. Identifying sources for these plants in the next few months can be a great way to stay engaged with your garden as the weather turns cold.

Here is my list of eight annuals that can take hot weather —


Begonia boliviensis ‘Bonfire’:

Begonias usually are for shade, but a new group that is native to Bolivia loves to play in the sun. Hybridizers have been introducing named varieties into the marketplace, but one of the first — the Bonfire series — is still one of the best. It’s Begonia boliviensis, a tuberous species that loves good drainage, that contributes to these hybrids. I’ve seen this Begonia in plant trials growing in full sun, but it will also grow with just a couple of direct sun hours each day.

Light: full to part sun

Varieties: Bonfire, Bossa Nova, Encanto, Million Kisses, Mistral, Summerwings,.

Uses: in the ground, in a hanging pot or in a standing container.

Soil type: well-draining; this plant hates soggy roots.

Special information: Because begonias have brittle stems, care must be taken that they don’t get knocked off.

Begonia bonfire (see Cover Photo by Jean Starr)

Canna (multiple varieties):

Cannas might not steal the show, but they’ll certainly inject a tropical presence. They grow from rhizomes that sprout as soon as they are subjected to enough warmth. One of the best for its health and flower production is the CannaCannova. I grew it in a large container with several other plants, and it reached no taller than five feet, which is short for a canna. Except for some leaf damage during Japanese beetle season, it looked good and bloomed all summer into fall. The Cannova series comes in a variety of flower colors. For dramatic leaves on a very large plant, try Tropicanna Black, a seven-footer with deep purplish-black leaves.

Light: full to part sun

Size: anywhere from four to 10 feet tall with a spread from two to five feet.

Uses: in the ground, or in a very large container.

Soil type: A rich, well-drained soil is best. Cannas are heavy feeders, so keep them fed with a slow release fertilizer like Osmocote.

Special information: For a good variety of unusual Cannas, check out Plant Delights Nursery in Raleigh, NC.

Cyperus papyrus:

Commonly referred to as papyrus in its native Africa, this feathery beauty actually is a sedge that can grow up to 15 feet tall. Hybridizers have introduced it to American gardeners in a variety of sizes. Cyperus is considered an aquatic plant that doesn’t mind its roots in the water as long as its crown (the base of the plant at soil level) is not submerged. The beauty is that it will do just fine in a container with non-aquatic plants.

Light: full to part sun

Size(s): ‘King Tut’ is a 6-footer, while ‘Prince Tut’ grows to 4 feet and ‘Baby Tut’ ranges between 2 and 3-feet tall.

Uses: in the ground, or in a large container.

Soil type: A rich soil is best. Cyperus are not heavy feeders.

Special information: For more information about the ‘Tut’ family, visit Proven Winners.

Cyperus – ‘Prince Tut’ (Photo by Jean Starr)

Euphorbia ‘Yokoi’s White’:

A variegated version of Euphorbia — AKA Texas poinsettia — this cultivar was named for its patent-holder after he discovered it as a sport among a group of solid green plants. It is grown for its outstanding cream and green leaves and will develop a coral color at its tips in late summer.

Light: full to part sun

Size: (height by spread) 2 feet -3 feet x 3 feet – 4 feet

Uses: Grown for its attractive leaves, it can be grown as a houseplant or outdoors in warm weather in the ground, or in a large container.

Soil type: average drainage and fertility.

Special information: All Euphorbias contain a caustic white sap that seeps from the slightest wound. The sap is toxic, so wear gloves to avoid contact when pruning or taking cuttings. The milky substance evolved as a deterrent to herbivores.

Euphorbia – ‘Yokoi’s White’ (Photo by Jean Starr)

Fuchsia ‘Upright Firecracker’:

This is a fuchsia that acts as a foliage plant, but then offers the bonus of the iconic dangling flowers that hummingbirds love. Leaves are tri-colored cream, grey-green and pink. Its upright nature (as opposed to the basket-types) makes it perfect as a mixed container accent, brightening up well-behaved grasses or a compact Sunpatiens (one of the sun-loving Impatiens). But when the blossoms arrive, you’ll have a multiple-weeklong windfall of bright red flowers.

Light: full to part sun

Size: (height by spread) 2’ x 1 ½

Uses: Upright fuchsias can be planted in the ground or in a container.

Soil type: rich but well-drained.

Special information: Visit the American Fuchsia Society for insight into the very wide world of Fuchsias.

Fuchsia – ‘Upright Firecracker’ (Photo by Jean Starr)

Hamelin patensfirebush ‘Lime Sizzler’:

It’s obvious why this plant is called firebushHamelia patens‘Lime Sizzler’ has vivid chartreuse leaves and bright orange-red flowers. The green-leaved version is commonplace in summertime Florida, but this hellaciously-hued hybrid has found a home in temperate gardens as well. Guaranteed to light up the landscape, it remains in bound during a shorter summer season, rarely reaching more than two feet tall and wide.

Light: full to part sun

Size: As an annual, will grow up to two feet tall and wide.

Uses: Firebush can be grown in the ground or in a container.

Soil type: Free-draining

Special information: Hamelia ‘Lime Sizzler’ was introduced in 2015 after being found growing on a plant with solid green leaves in El Campo, Texas in 2011.

Hamelia – ‘Lime Sizzler’ (Photo by Jean Starr)

Petunia Supertunia Vista ‘Paradise’:

There are thousands of Petunia and Petunia look alike cultivars on the market, but even with record heat, and humidity so high it might as well be raining, Petunia‘Paradise’ kept slogging away. Petunia‘Paradise’ is a deep pink, and one of the three colors in the Supertunia Vista The key to keeping modern Petuniahybrids in bloom is fertilizer—lots of it. At planting time, use a slow release fertilizer like Osmocote. Throughout the season, use a water-soluble fertilizer every other time you water.

Light: full to part sun

Size: (height by spread) 12” – 24” x 36”

Uses: Either in the ground or in a container.

Soil type: Fertile and free-draining

Special information: Proven Winners recommends pruning their Supertunia brand Petunias when the stems looks straggly, but by no more than about 20 percent of the plant.

Petunia - VISTA 'Paradise'

Petunia – VISTA ‘Paradise’ (Photo by Jean Starr)

Salvia splendens ‘Vanhouttei’ (Burgundy Scarlet Sage):

The world of Salvias is huge, and this variety is less so. But you still need to give it room. Long stems that can reach three feet will cascade just enough to give its deep burgundy flowers even more drama. For more blooms on a more compact plant, it’s best to prune stems by about one third in mid-summer. Flowering will be delayed for a few weeks, but it will practically glow when they start to open.

Light: Although most Salvias require lots of sun, Salvia Vanhouttei will perform quite well in partial shade.

Size: (height by spread) 36” x 48”

Uses: Either in the ground or in a container.

Soil type: Fertile and free-draining

Special information: Hummingbirds love its blooms, so plant it where you can enjoy the show.

Other: My favorite place for rare Salvias for mail order is Flowers by the Sea, in Elk, California.

Salvia 'Vanhouttei'

Salvia ‘Vanhouttei’ (Photo by Jean Starr)

Selecting and Planting Annuals that Can Take Hot Weather

When purchasing your plants in April and May, you don’t know how hot the summer will be. That doesn’t matter if you go with one or more of the suggested plants in this article. Keeping your garden colorful during the hottest period is easier than you think. While some of the suggested plants may take just a bit of maintenance (and water!), summer’s short. You won’t be sorry with any of these selections.

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