Move Your Houseplants Outdoors

By Jean Starr

Houseplants are waking-up for springtime. If you look closely, even the plants left in the darkest corners of the house are looking fresher. New growth is pushing-out to remind you that the plant is ready to resume its journey in the cycle of life. Why not move your houseplants outdoors?

Note, of course, some plants don’t make it through the dark days of winter. That’s perfectly okay. That doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. When the plant is dead, it’s time to say goodbye.

Move your houseplants outdoors for the summer

If you plan to spend any time on the patio, let’s bring along some of your prettiest houseplants. There are several varieties that can make the transition to the porch or patio. But first, they need to be acclimated to a much higher light level. Even succulents need to cool their heels for several days in a shaded area before positioning them in the sunshine for the summer.

Houseplants that thrive in a bright corner of a room, especially, will love it outdoors. After all, it’s where their ancestors grew up — close to the ground beneath taller plants in the tropics.

Increased light brings out the best in Dracaena and Cordyline, turning leaves bright. Even Philodendrons appreciate the outdoors as their leaves increase in size and take on a perkier attitude.

Where to move your houseplants outdoors

A benefit of growing houseplants in containers (or keeping them in the same ones) is that you can move them around until you find a spot they like. Personally, I take care that mine receive no more than two hours of direct sun, and some receive no direct sun at all. After planting the summer-time container, I place those with houseplants on the north side of the house under deep eaves.

It’s okay to mix houseplants with other plants

Don’t be afraid to mix your houseplants with other tropicals, annuals and even perennials. But remember, it will be necessary next fall to pry them from their summer-time friends while leaving enough roots to once again survive on their own.

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