Everything Roses

How to Plant Bare Root Roses in Your Garden

This is the time of year all rosarians are thrilled with! It doesn’t matter how many roses we have in our gardens, there will always be new ones to fall in love with and add to our collection. We love browsing rose catalogs on line and in person, and then, with the arrival of spring ...

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The First Spring Bud Break in the Garden

Every year, I am always anxious for Spring to arrive. Our winter was comfortable with some snow and cold temperatures. We’ve had many warm fires to cheer us while watching the winter sunrise walk back across the eastern sky toward the north. The equinox has come and the daylight hours are getting longer every day. ...

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The Romance Garden: Planting Suggestions and Advice

Valentine’s Day is for roses. However, they don’t need to come from the florist’s shop! Florist roses are terribly expensive at this time of year, but you can build yourself a rose garden this Spring and call it your Romance Garden. Here are a few suggestions for your Sweetheart to order for you. Instead of ...

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January Jobs: Taking Care of Houseplants

Welcome to the longest month… After all the excitement of the holiday season, we are left with this month of January which always seems to drag along. With Christmas put away, the house can seem so dark after the season of light!! Our last year was particularly dark. Our state meteorologist published in the beginning ...

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Preparing For Winter Rose Activities

Halloween is right around the corner!  And, we've actually had an autumn this year, although the foliage is slow to color.  We've had a couple of good freezes (28 degrees), so I think I may have cut my last rose bouquet of the season.  A fire feels really good in the evening at our new ...

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Late Season Caterpillar Invasion!

We just returned from a wonderful vacation on Cape Cod.  We were fortunate to be visited by friends and family and had almost two weeks to relax near the whales, seals, and great white sharks swimming just beyond the outer beaches.  I had sprayed my gardens about a week before we left, so I felt ...

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